Sanitation &Amp; Clean Water

Make access to clean water for villages with water crisis.

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Clean water access program for 42 villages that have had no water for two months.


The flash flood and Seroja storm that occurred on April 4 and 5, 2021 in East Sumba Regency have harmed all aspects of social life, including:

  • The source of clean water needed by the community is polluted and cannot be used due to flood mud deposits;
  • Existing wells have dried up and families/communities no longer have access to clean water;
  • The health of persons, children and other vulnerable persons is gradually deteriorating;
  • Threat of dry season which started at the time of this writing, and which will last anywhere from 8 to 10 months;

After identifying the problem, the main activity to be carried out is the implementation of a clean water and latrine supply program, which will help the community to resume normal activities.

The target location of the clean water supply project is in areas with major limitations. The implementation of this program is designed to involve the entire surrounding community who play an active role through the Disaster Prepared Village group.

Based on the results of an assessment conducted by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in East Sumba and analysis of the actions of Kawan Baik and the Fair Future Foundation, this project proposal will focus on meeting the needs of clean water and sanitation for the affected communities.

The Fair Future Foundation team, who wrote this story, directly from the largest medical and social camp in eastern Indonesia (NTT), the home of Fair Future and Kawan Baik Indonesia, called “Rumah Kambera“, the house of Kambera, named after the village that welcomed us, in the heart of the region most devastated by this disaster.

Thank you very much for helping us. We need medicine, donations, food… Don’t forget us and them!

  • Meeting the needs of every living thing, namely having access to clean water;
  • Improving the quality of life with good sanitation for the community;
  • Restoring water access to villages, families, and communities that have lost access to water since the disaster;
  • Clean water is essential for healing, growing, eating, drinking, washing;
  • In order to meet the urgent needs of drinking water and sanitation for the communities and families affected by the disaster;
  • Having adequate public toilets so that families and communities can adjust to a healthier lifestyle;
  • A total of 39 families or around 250 people in Mauliru will have access to clean water;
  • 2 toilets meet health requirements and will be used by 39 families in Mauliru Village.
  • WASH installation is a learning tool/media to implement a healthy lifestyle;
Project Cost


Description Amount
Team Support : Rp 29.550.000
Toilet Installation : Rp 33.212.000
Water Installation : Rp 83.732.000
Meeting & Dissemination : IDR 1.000.000
Total : Rp 147.494.000
Thanks for the donors
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