Goods Donation

Goods Donation Procedure

The Goods Donation Program is still ongoing and will continue, because this is a long-term program. So you can donate anytime. For the procedure, it’s easy, wan.

1. Fill out the Personal Data Form

2. Sending/Delivering Donations
Friends can send or deliver the donations that have been prepared to the intended KBI address (Please include your name and cellphone number in the donation package)

3. Confirm with CP if you have sent a donation

4. Friends will get confirmation if the donation has been received.


Questions about donations

Where can I send a donation of goods?

Currently, donations are open for the Denpasar and Waingapu branches

What items can be donated?
Donations can be in the form of proper clothing (long sleeves if possible), reading books, stationery and school supplies (drinking bottles, shoes, bags, uniforms), hygiene care (new toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap) and medicines that meet proper standards. donations for all ages.
What is the eligibility standard for donations?
– Not dull
– Buttons don’t come off
– Not torn / hollow
– Not underwear
– Not a corporate/institutional/party attribute
– Clothes are clean/washed
*Please do not donate items/clothes that are no longer suitable for use
What are the operating hours?

Operational hours are open Monday-Friday from 10 am to 6 pm.
*It is expected to send donations according to operating hours

Goods Donation Form

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
tipe file jpg, jpeg, png. Ukuran maks 7mb