A word from the founder | We live in a real humanitarian and food crisis!

May 7, 2020
Because new pathogens emerge, because access to water, electricity, medical care, knowledge or low income, without forgetting climate change, create the movement and concentration of vulnerable populations! Hello everyone! Dear Mistress, Lord, beloved family, Because new pathogens emerge, because access to water, electricity, medical care, knowledge or income is very low, without forgetting about climate change, creating the movement and concentration of vulnerable populations. You live it, the threat of infection and it is an epidemic-risk pandemic never exists and has a tremendous impact on our economy, on our way of life, kissing, smiling, sharing simply together! Developing countries like Indonesia are the main victims. Families here pay a fortune; They don’t eat anymore! Nobody helps them except NGOS like us, who do gigantic work. Yes, we live in a real humanitarian crisis here. People migrated, they left the area where they did a profitable activity to return to their village by picking up basic necessities and abandoning their regrets and belongings. With nearly 15 years of activity in the humanitarian field, the Swiss Fair Future Foundation is now embarking on the dynamics of new interventions. The foundation has chosen to reinforce the autonomy of vulnerable people, to give them […]

Because new pathogens emerge, because access to water, electricity, medical care, knowledge or low income, without forgetting climate change, create the movement and concentration of vulnerable populations!

Hello everyone! Dear Mistress, Lord, beloved family,

Because new pathogens emerge, because access to water, electricity, medical care, knowledge or income is very low, without forgetting about climate change, creating the movement and concentration of vulnerable populations. You live it, the threat of infection and it is an epidemic-risk pandemic never exists and has a tremendous impact on our economy, on our way of life, kissing, smiling, sharing simply together!

Developing countries like Indonesia are the main victims. Families here pay a fortune; They don’t eat anymore! Nobody helps them except NGOS like us, who do gigantic work.

Yes, we live in a real humanitarian crisis here. People migrated, they left the area where they did a profitable activity to return to their village by picking up basic necessities and abandoning their regrets and belongings.

With nearly 15 years of activity in the humanitarian field, the Swiss Fair Future Foundation is now embarking on the dynamics of new interventions. The foundation has chosen to reinforce the autonomy of vulnerable people, to give them the opportunity to have a better life, a healthier life, to access knowledge to develop their economies!

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