Bangun Mbinu Dita

Final Stage & Water Connection


  1. Cleaning/finishing the indoor and outdoor areas of the building
  2. school wall painting,
  3. Equip classroom equipment with tables and chairs,
  4. Sufficient electricity needs for future school activities, and
  5. Sufficient water needs for the community around the school.


  1. Schools that are built focus on completing buildings, with presently neat and proper classes, teaching and learning activities will be more comfortable,
  2. Creating tidiness and cleanliness of the building,
  3. Classrooms do not have seating (tables and chairs) for students and teachers,
  4. Schools need electricity that can support teaching and learning activities and also be used as a place to carry out health and education activities in the future, and
  5. Residents living around the school also have similar facilities to use their roofs as rain harvesters and have good systems for rain harvesting and water storage.


The Mbinudita school construction project, which will be completed in 2020, still needs some finishing work. Classrooms, teacher rooms, toilets, and multipurpose buildings that have been erected require several types of equipment according to their designation. Classrooms will be equipped with tables and chairs according to the capacity of the number of students. The building will be painted and tidied up.

After the construction process, the lawn area needs to be reorganized so that it can be used as a sports arena and to prepare the land for nurseries. Indoor and outdoor areas will also be tidied up.

The Mbinudita school community can put together other activities and events for the village community. Therefore, this school needs electricity and water sources to support activities that residents and foundations want to do in the future. The Bangun Mbinudita project is a lifelong project that not only rebuilds schools but also builds all aspects of society and improves the quality of life.



Description Amount
Material : Rp 46.200.000
Expert Staff Fee : Rp 4.100.000
Transport : Rp 2.600.000
Support TeamSupport Team : Rp 10.150.000
Operations & Office : Rp 11.500.000
Total : Rp 74.550.000

Supporter Bangun Mbinu Dita

Beranda 5 Project KBI 5 Bangun Mbinudita – Tahap Akhir Pembangunan & Sambungan Air