Collaborate with Kawan Baik Indonesia

NGOS should build self-confidence prospective supporters to convince them that your organization has a real mission. Although the mission of the organization aims to create a positive thing but not necessarily the program that your organization will attract the attention of prospective supporters. Take advantage of your container as an organization and use that power to become an active organization and have the ability to change the public view. Here are three ways to encourage the trust of your organization’s support candidates:

Focus on Solutions

In addition to showing the solutions and real action organizations should also have a vision that shows what planning for the future of the organization.

Show real Action

NGOS rely on written and visual communication to draw the attention of supporters with the real show of action.

Demonstrate commitment

Donors want organisations that already know or attempt to offer solutions to the social problems that NGOS Foster.
The above 3 tips can be used as a guide for NGOS in Indonesia in social innovation. NGOS can also cooperates with startups, such as, to perform their actions. is now an online crowdfunding platform for many social problems that occur in Indonesia and makes it easy for people to contribute to making changes.