First Aid for East Sumba

Aims to complete the school
and villages with first aid kits


East Sumba with a population of 252,704 people (2017) consisting of 129,389 men and 123,315 women with an area of 7000.5 KM2 with a population density of 36.10 people/km2 (Source: BPS East Sumba). It has a hilly geographical condition that makes it difficult to reach for providing access to medical care. In addition, the number of medical personnel is limited and the infrastructure is limited.

In one of the villages we met, the Bantu Community Health Center only had a schedule of 2 times a month, 1 day for Posyandu and 1 day for health checks. This is also an illustration of the limited number of medical personnel in the area.

As a result of the survey activities that we conducted in several schools, we observed that some of our children found small wounds on their bodies, especially on the legs. Maybe because some of them have to walk to go to school and some of them don’t use shoes. This small wound is often ignored, so it will become a bigger wound. Unhealthy behavior also sometimes causes these small wounds to enlarge and become more serious infections.

Not only for the children at school, but also for the general public in several villages. There are wounds on the legs due to accidents or on other parts of the body, but due to lack of knowledge about first aid, these wounds are ignored, left open to even a slight infection.

From several incidents that we encountered in the field, we are Kawan Baik with support from the Fair Future Foundation, partnering with friends in East Sumba to help provide access to the most basic medical care, namely the provision of first aid kits in schools accompanied by capacity building for school components. for first aid.


Provide knowledge to educators in schools about basic first aid medical care (basic first aid kits and how to treat wounds).
Raise the importance of awareness about first aid, before being taken to the hospital for professional doctor treatment.
Provide access to basic medical care for children in schools and nearby neighborhoods more easily.


Educators who have the ability to provide basic first aid medical care.
There is a change in the behavior of children at school about the importance of basic medical care.
There is access to basic medical care for children and the surrounding community.

Provision of First Aid Box

We will complete the school’s first aid kit package for basic procedures and wound treatment. This first aid kit consists of a disinfectant, wound cleanser, wound dressing and basic follow-up kit for wounds.

Training & Practice

To provide knowledge about first aid, we will provide training on basic theory and practice to teachers in schools in East Sumba, involving medical personnel in East Sumba and several volunteers from other places to share experiences and knowledge.

Materials that will be provided for first aid training include:

  • Accidents at school (falling during sports, injured due to teaching and learning activities, for example being hit by sharp objects)
  • Poisoning
  • Electric shock
  • Burns
  • etc

Monitoring & Evaluation

  • To make pre and post tests about first aid for all training participants to know the level of outcome of an activity.
  • Recording the distribution of first aid kits, to how many schools in several sub-districts as an activity indicator with photo verification sources in each school.
  • The output is how many educators are involved in the training, how many men and women, with several skills, from how many villages or sub-districts (using the participant form given before the training activity).
  • Monitoring per semester through communication with assistants regarding changes in behavior and the availability of first aid materials in each school.

Project Cost


Description Amount
Accomodation : Rp 45.655.000
Training : Rp 41.400.000
Speaker : Rp 7.500.000
Equipment : Rp 58.750.000
Management & Admin : Rp 25.375.000
Total : Rp 178.680.000
Beranda 5 Proyek 5 Act to equip Sumba village with first aid kit!