Truck of Life
To accommodate KBI activities in the field, especially in remote and difficult-to-access areas, we will build KBI Trucks, consisting of Kawan Sehat Trucks, Kawan Pintar Trucks, and Warung Kawan Baik Trucks; By procuring these three (3) trucks, we hope that we will be able to make the best of our efforts to provide free and proper access to health and education services for people living in underprivileged areas; These trucks can not only reach remote areas on the outer islands, but also stand by in case of emergency and disaster response by providing health and education services, as well as supplying healthy and nutritious food.
Kawan Baik Indonesia
We’ve seen how this changes everything. The children remained in school. People live longer, healthier, and more productive, with more time to work, play, and just spend time together.
Truck of Life Rescues Trucks: Incredible Feat
Delivery of Medical Aid in Eastern Indonesia
Truck of Life Mission: Indonesia's Forgotten Regions
Support #TruckOfLife : Your Mileage Makes a Difference
Kawan Baik Carnival
Kawan Warung Truck
Warung Kawan Baik Truck will function as:
- Healthy food suppliers in the form of food stalls, or at other times providing healthy food for free;
- A place to hold healthy food cooking demonstrations that pay attention to balanced nutritional composition;
- Soup kitchens provide food and drinks in large quantities during disaster situations.
Kawan Sehat Truck
By operating the Kawan Sehat Truck, we hope to:
- Providing access for patients in remote areas who have not received adequate health services from local health facilities;
- Providing space for emergency medical care for patients who must undergo immediate treatment in hard-to-reach areas far from health facilities;
- Providing services and consultations about healthy nutrition for all patients, including mothers, in order to improve the quality of nutrition for their families.
Kawan Pintar Truck
With the presence of Kawan Pintar Truck, we are committed to:
- Providing access to school-age children in particular and the wider community in general to get free books, as well as audio-visual content about general and scientific knowledge to open their horizons through interesting images and sounds;
- Providing reading rooms equipped with appropriate facilities to help improve digital literacy in less developed areas, which need more attention and better access to proper education;
- Facilitate activities focused on healing trauma during disaster situations.