Support the Kawan Baik Indonesia Project
Our Projects
Kamanggih - One of the school we take care of With the "Photo Sumba Stories Program"
Pendekatan lain untuk mendefinisikan kebutuhan, menggambarkan kondisi sosial-budaya. Sebuah proyek yang dibuat oleh anak-anak untuk lingkungan mereka!
#SumbaPhotoStories #KawanBaikSumba #KawanBaikIndonesia #Act4fairfuture #FairFutureFoundation
Mbinundita - Where we are rebuilding the new School
Bantu desa untuk membangun kembali sekolah Mbinundita, maka lebih dari 60 anak usia 8 hingga 10 tahun, akan kembali ke sekolah.
Lapinu Village - One of the school we take care of With the "Photo Sumba Stories Program"
Office and Base Camp - Kawan Baik Indonesia
Rumah Kambera - Kawan Baik Indonesia
Rumah Kambera
#Act4fairfuture #FairFutureFoundation #KawanBaik #KawanBaikSumba #KawanBaikIndonesia
Sanitasi Toilet Umum & Air Bersih Rumah Kambera
Bali Rise from COVID-19
Bangun Mbinu Dita - Tahap Akhir & Sambungan Air
The Mbinudita school construction project, which will be completed in 2020, still needs some finishing work. Classrooms, teacher rooms, toilets, and multipurpose buildings that have been erected require several types of equipment according to their designation. Classrooms will be equipped with tables and chairs according to the capacity of the number of students. The building will be painted and tidied up.
Sumba Rises from Covid-19
Sanitasi & Air Bersih untuk Desa Mauliru
Kolaborasi proyek antara Kawan Baik, Fair Future dan Palang Merah Indonesia SUmba Timur.
Penyediaan air bersih dan sanitasi untuk warga Mauliru RT 08 dan 09
Malaria Prevention Initiative Sumba Timur 2023
Controlling the spread of Malaria cases in East Sumba 2023, a case study in Mahu District