The dream to study comfortably is getting closer to its realization

November 25, 2020
The dream to study comfortably is getting closer to its realization… Yaspan, playing swing in the hallway of his new class candidate in the rain. His old class, often entered the water when it rains, and when strong winds occur, should be vigilant when the roof falls. Tomorrow he doesn’t have to worry about rain flooding his classrooms, or the wind knocking down the roof of his classroom, because now his school has been built again firmly. #BangunMbinudita #Rebuildtheschool #Rebuildthevillage #RebuildMbinudita

The dream to study comfortably is getting closer to its realization…

Yaspan, playing swing in the hallway of his new class candidate in the rain.

His old class, often entered the water when it rains, and when strong winds occur, should be vigilant when the roof falls.

Tomorrow he doesn’t have to worry about rain flooding his classrooms, or the wind knocking down the roof of his classroom, because now his school has been built again firmly.


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